My January Favorites

Hey Babes! 

Did we all survive January? It was a little touch and go there during Capricorn season for me, but here I am! So, today I am sharing my five favorite things from this past month. Drumroll please... 

Schitt’s Creek 

While I watch a fair amount of television, scripted and comedic shows are difficult for me to digest. I also, rarely watch anything new, because I’m a Taurus and I only rewatch the same shows over and over again at a nauseating rate. With that being said, two years ago, I started watching Schitt’s Creek and I just couldn’t commit. This month, I began rewatching Schitt’s Creek before bed on Netflix and it’s so funny, the episodes are quick and I enjoy the banter between characters. Plus, Moria Rose is an ICON. 


Cheer on Netflix 

I laughed, I cried, I had chills. 10 Stars.  Cheer on Netflix was fucking incredible and the most honest representation of cheerleading that I have ever seen in pop culture. I want the best for every single member of that squad and if you were a cheerleader you NEED to see this series! Even if you’ve never known a thing about cheering, watch this documentary. I started cheering in 2003 and I finished my “career” in 2017 when I graduated from college and this show reignited my love for the sport. Because, YES it’s a sport! 


Aerie Fuzzy Sherpa Robe 

I received this robe for Christmas and I wear it almost every single day! What have I  been missing out on? It is so soft and cozy and I highly recommend this piece to anyone looking for a plush winter robe. I am actually wearing it right now, as I type this post! 

Statement Headbands 

Although, I am not sure when I developed an obsession with headbands, they are now a staple in my life! I love different prints, textures and of course ones that are decorated with gems and pearls. Despite the pounding headache that the larger bands give me, they are one hundred percent worth the self-inflicted pain. 


Verrier Handcrafted Fashion

I discovered this art brand in Bryant Park, NYC right before Christmas. Even though there were hoards of people everywhere, I was drawn in by the bright colors and glitter! I purchased three prints and now I want everything that they hand make! 

Those are my favorite things from January! Thank God, it is finally over. Here is hoping that February is much kinder to all of us. 



LifestyleKelly Jennings