World Mental Health Day
Hey Babes!
Happy World Mental Health Day!
October 10th is World Mental Health Day. On days like today, mental health advocates spread awareness about mental illness in an attempt to educate the masses and erase the stigma attached to these diseases. If I’m being honest, I struggled to come up content for today’s post, just as I have been struggling with my mental health as of late. As some of you babes may know, I had my first panic attack in 2014 when I was 18 years old and I lived in denial for a full year before I asked for help. To read more about that portion of my story, I’ll have that link here!
I don’t believe that anything in life is completely linear and my journey with anxiety has been filled with peaks, valleys and plateaus. Every day is different for me. Most days, I am the poster child for what a little serotonin can do for you. I am productive at work, I joke around with my friends, I eat three healthy meals and take my vitamins. Some days I feel detached from the world around me, like I’m drifting. On my worst days, I am a walking tsunami. I become irritable, I cry, I complain about everything and anything, and I find it nearly impossible to leave my bed despite having to go to work.
HERE’S THE TRUTH, asking for help from a professional is just one small piece of the mental illness puzzle, albeit the most vital step, but it’s just a part of all of this. While I take my bestie Lexi (Lexapro) every day without fail, I still over exert myself, I don’t say “no” when I should, I drink a ton of caffeine, I am terrified of letting anyone down and I grant the voices in my head the validity that they don’t deserve. I am not perfect, hence the name of this blog, but I get up every day and I get out of my bed and that’s what is important. The most powerful thing you can do with a mental illness is to show up.
Here Are Some Reminders
You are not overdramatic or silly.
Your feelings are valid.
Your mental illness DOES NOT DEFINE YOU.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.
You have to take time for yourself, allow your batteries to recharge. Channel your energy into something productive or creative.
It is okay, to not be okay.
You can do ANYTHING, but you can’t do EVERYTHING for EVERYONE.
Show yourself kindness, patience, empathy and understanding.