How My Skin Is Doing During The Quarantine

Hey Babes! 

Admittedly, I have never really had bad skin, but I’ve also never had pore less perfect skin either. For years, I slept with all of my makeup on, because I was too lazy to wash it off and it rarely ever clogged my pores. With that being said, I have always gotten hormonal breakouts around the time of my menstrual cycle and I have huge pores. So, you win some and you lose some. 

One might assume that since we’ve been living in a quarantine where I’ve only applied a full face of makeup a total of three times, that my skin must be flawless. I have plenty of time to do sheet masks, I wash my face and apply my moisturizer and my serums daily, but, Spoiler Alert: my skin is not anywhere near fucking perfect! 

Am I the only one breaking out right now? My lips are chap and I have clusters of small pimples on my face around my jaw and chin. I also keep getting the same large pimple on my laugh line that I am still trying to evacuate from the premises. I’m sure that it mostly has to do with wearing masks, but it has really been affecting my confidence. 

I know that no one is seeing me right now, but I see myself everyday and I, like most people am my harshest critic. So, to combat these pimples that have been reeking havoc, here are the products I have been using.


First I cleanse my face using Clean and Clear sensitive foaming facial cleanser. I apply this to my face and then I use my Foreo cleansing tool and massage my face. Then I wash it off. 


Next up, I use Jelly Glow Peel Exfoliator from Bliss. This is one of the newer products in my arsenal and while it has a strange smell, it does seem to be helping. The scent is similar to Rye bread, but it is not super unpleasant. I also have a pretty sensitve sense of smell, so it could just be me. Anyway, I apply the exfoliator and then rise it off once I feel like it has lifted off some dead skin. 


My last true skincare step is applying toner. I go back and forth between Thayer’s Witch Hazel Toner and Clinique’s Clarifying Lotion 2. I apply one of these (depending on how I’m feeling), to a cotton ball and gently apply it to my face. The Clinique product is harsher than the witch hazel. Thayer’s product feels like water on my skin, whilst the Clinique toner does tingle or burn quite a bit. I think it’s really just about preference. When my skin is bad, I like to feel the tingle, so I know it’s getting rid of the blemish! 


Those are the products I have been using in attempt to keep my skin clear! I also use makeup remover wipes on my face, whenever I return home from the outside world and plenty of moisturizer and oil to hydrate my skin! 


What are your go to beauty products to keep your skin fresh and clear? 

