A Secret I’m Dye(ing) To Share
Hey Babes!
I have a confession to make. I am going grey.
Okay, that’s kind of an exaggeration, but I do have plenty of white or grey strands in my hair and today I’m sharing how I deal with it!
I first noticed a rouge white strand in my hair when I was a Sophomore in high school. I legit remember where I was the first time I saw that hair, it is so ingrained in my memory. I was 15 years old and I asked to go to the bathroom before Spanish class and I saw that hair in the mirror. I was so shook and pulled it out of my scalp. No bueno!
My mom started going grey by time she was in high school, so unfortunately I think it’s just my genetics. Fuck! Plus, I have naturally dark brown almost black hair and when the white hair came in, it was so easy to notice because of the contrast. There really wasn’t anything I could do to stop them from coming in, so I just had to learn to deal with it.
I have been dying my roots and my hair since maybe 2015, 2016. For years, I found little white strands in my hair and I was just yank them out, but then the few strands turned into too many for me to pull. I’ve got enough going on, I don’t need a bald spot too. So, I started getting them dyed at the hair salon. I was always so embarrassed about the white hair, that I never really told anyone about it. It was my little secret. Well, a my little secret between my mom, me and my hairdresser.
If you’re thinking, Kelly, I’ve seen your Instagrams and I have never seen you with grey hair? Well, because I Facetuned the shit out of them when they’re threatening to age me!
peep the hairline
( before I Facetuned them)
I got them dyed every couple of months and it just makes me feel better about my appearance and makes me feel more confident. If you have white strands coming in and they don’t even cross your mind, then keep doing you sister. I’m a such an advocate and supporter of doing whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Wanna get a nose job, go for it! Wanna inject some botox in your forehead, I’m coming along!
I think I wanted to share this tidbit of information, because if you have white hairs coming in and you’re feeling insecure about them, you’re not alone! It’s apparently pretty normal and just a part of aging.