A Wildflower

Hey Babes! 

One of my favorite things to do, is to get dressed up and take cute or creative photos. I refer to this activity as "playing photoshoot" and I've been whoring it out in front of an iPhone camera for years, fully embarrassing my friends and my family in public places. Even though my county of Pennsylvania is in the green phase, it feels wrong to go and snap a hot pic in front of a brick wall as people pass by with masks on. So, I decided to torment my mom at home! 

This morning, I chugged my iced chai while I rearranged and dismantled our living room. I climbed on a kitchen chair to tack a bed sheet to a closet door frame and then I got my ass back up on that chair to tie strings of flowers onto the tacks that were holding up the bed sheet. I can not take credit for making these floral arrangements. I am not a crafty little bitch, I prefer to buy things or get them for free. These decorations were old unopened window display pieces from work that were going to get thrown away, so my fiscally responsible ass took 95 percent of them home. I didn't steal them or ask for them, they were offered to me. I'm not that cheap, okay? To finalize my look for this at home photoshoot, I took one of the floral strands and cut it, so a Coachella adjacent flower crown would fit my large head. 

Here Are The Results: 

IMG_4748 2.jpeg

In case you were wondering…

My dress is from American Eagle & I used doyoutravel presets  to edit these photos.


Have you been playing photoshoot at home too? 



Kelly Jennings