My August Favorites

Hey Babes! 

August slipped away into a moment in time

For me, August was a total blur, much like most of the months I spent in quarantine. My body may be moving into September, but my brain is still lost somewhere in March. Truthfully, I’m so happy that August is almost over, because baby doesn’t do well in the heat or the humidity. Today, I’m sharing the five things that made this month bearable for me. 

Big Brother All- Stars 

I have been watching Big Brother since Season 1 with my family every summer and I’m so excited that we’ve got an All-Star season this year! God and the universe knew that I couldn’t handle another season filled with wanna be influencers, toxic showmances, or weak gameplay. I am personally rooting for Ian, Kaysar, Da’Vonne, Bayleigh and Dani. Personally, I would have loved for queen Janelle to win, but this year is a shit storm and literally nothing is going as planned, so that’s that. 

Iced Blonde Caramel Latte 

Everyone knows that I am a tea drinker. I love iced tea, hot tea, and spilling the tea. I have tried multiple different iced coffees from various chains like Wawa, Starbucks and Dunkin over the years, but I’ve never really enjoyed any of those drinks. Lately, the caffeine in my iced chai just isn’t cutting it, so on a whim in August, I ordered an iced blonde latte with caramel syrup from Starbucks and it was delicious. The iced latte is not a beverage I can chug, it’s something I sip slowly and I actually don’t mind when the ice melts, because it waters the drink down. If you’re not someone who is obsessed with the taste of coffee, but you’re in need of a little extra boost, I think you’d enjoy this beverage. 

Yoga With Adriene

During the red phase of quarantine, I practiced yoga multiple times a week, I purchased an expensive ass mat from lululemon and two yoga blocks that match my mat perfectly. Since entering the green phase and going back to work, I have practiced less and less. During the last half of August, I started Yoga With Adriene’s 30 days of yoga series on YouTube and I’m loving getting back into the flow. Maybe it’s psychosomatic, but I genuinely feel like a personified exhale after each class. My favorite way to practice is in a dimly light room with a fan on and my AirPods in to block out all the outside noise. 

Lightroom Presets 

So, I did it, I finally caved in and purchased 3 packs of Lightroom mobile presets. The first pack I bought was from DoYouTravel and they were expensive and beautiful, but I got charged an additional amount because the brand isn’t based in this country. Fuck me. How embarrassing for my soul! After that, I purchased two presets from My Life As Eva that were a much better deal and I only had buyer’s remorse for a hot minute. 

I was hesitant to purchase presets, for a couple of reasons. First, I feel like they make everyone’s feed look exactly the same, which is boring and really unoriginal to me. Secondly, I’m not into a warm toned and grainy photo and that’s the vibe that most preset sets offer, which I didn’t want. And lastly, because I’m a cheap bitch that already pays a yearly subscription fee for VSCO. Ugh! Anyway, I really like the presets I purchased and they are super easy to use, but for the love of God, someone please take away my credit card, thank you. 


I love to color and I always have. When I was little, I would color and draw on EVERYTHING. I gave my dolls tattoos, drew on my toy chest with crayons declaring my love for the Kindergarten hottie and I even took my talents to the walls, sorry mom and dad! I spent a good amount of time during August coloring and it such a calming and mind clearing activity. If you’re looking for coloring books, Barnes and Noble has great coloring books at a decent price! 

Those are the things that kept me sane during the month of August. My basic ass is really looking forward to cooler days, apple flavored foods and cozy sweaters! What did you guys enjoy this month? 



Kelly Jennings