National Random Act Of Kindness Day

Hey Babes! 

Today is The Real Housewives of New Jersey premiere day and it is also National Random Act of Kindness day! Today, I’m sharing three ways in which you can celebrate this holiday and spread a little love along the way. 

Treat Someone To Their Coffee 

Something simple you can do is pay for the person behind you in the drive thru line. It feels really good to be randomly treated to your morning coffee and it might even inspire the recipient to pay it forward. It will be a bright spot in their day for sure! 

Leave Quarters 

I was on the receiving end of this kind act my freshman year of college and it made my day. My roommate and I used the change that was placed in a baggie and tapped to the vending machine for a snack and then we replaced the change for someone else to enjoy! This is an easy way to treat a co worker or maybe even a stranger at the laundry mat. 

Post Positive Comments 

Instead of flame emojis or heart eyes, leave thoughtful or genuine comments on your friend’s pictures or posts. If you’re not into public displays of platonic affection, shoot your besties a DM! Words of affirmation matter and unprompted compliments are the best.

I believe that the purpose of days like today, is to make people feel good. Small actions matter and can really effect the course of someone’s day. It’s also, not that difficult to be thoughtful or show kindness and empathy to others without expecting it in return. 

