Haute Mess Horcruxes

Hey Babes! 

The other day while I was baking a lemon ricotta bundt cake I had the movie Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince playing in the background. This isn’t unusal for me. When I bake or do tasks I like to play movies or shows that I don’t really have to pay attention to as background noise. Things I’ve seen a hundred times. 

Anyway, while I was baking, the scene where Tom Riddle asks Professor Slughorn about Horcruxes came on and I thought to myself...

If I were to split my soul into seven pieces, so I could live forever, where would I hide them? 

My Mommom’s Initial Ring
I would hide the first part of my soul in a tiny piece of jewelry that is sentimental to me and send it to the bottom of Lake Brienz in Switzerland. Look, if I'm gonna go through the trouble of creating Horcruxes, they won't all be located in the same country or easily accessible. 

Nick Jonas
If I'm going down so he is! Everyone knows that he is the love of my life, and it only makes sense to hide one with him. 

Mona Lisa
I'd hide the third piece of my soul in the painting hanging in the Louvre. In plain sight, with tons of security. If one wanted to destroy that horcrux they'd have to destroy the Mona Lisa which would probably send them straight to jail. Unlike Voldemort, I will not be defeated so easily. 

Euro Coin
I would hide the fourth piece of my soul in a 1 Euro coin and I would hide it in the Trevi Fountain. Now, if Harry were looking for these horcruxes the Euro would signal him, but maybe just maybe I'd put the Gemino curse on the coin so that way if he went into the fountain the coins would duplicate and he'd have more trouble finding the right coin. 

My First Cheerleading Trophy
More sentimental items! I'd hide the fifth part of my soul in the first cheerleading trophy, which just happens to be a bobblehead. I'd hide that trophy far beneath the football field where I practiced when I was little. 

Tiffany & Co Bracelet
The sixth piece of my soul would go into the Tiffany & Co bracelet I received in eighth grade from my parents. I would hide this bracelet underneath of the 14th street pier in Ocean City New Jersey, which is one of my favorite places.

Pearl Earrings
Last but not least, the seventh piece of my soul would go into the pearl earrings I wear everyday. If you want to destroy that horcrux then you're gonna have to find me. I wear those earrings everyday and they'd go wherever I go. 

Honestly, this list was pretty difficult to come up with but I tried to pick items and places that are special to me. Now, if I had a vault in a bank that was protected by an enormous dragon that would make things a little easier for me. I hope my Harry Potter loving babes enjoyed this post. 

