Sick Bitch Essentials

Hey Babes! 

*Cough Cough* I'm sick. 

No, I actually am under the weather and besides hacking up a lung, I haven't been doing much. I started getting sick on Saturday and I thought it was just allergies, but then it developed into a full blown fucking cold. Sad. My COVID test was negative, so Thank You Jesus. Today, I am sharing my sick day / week essentials. 


Toilet paper and paper towels legit just don't cut it. When your nose is stuffy or you're sneezing nonstop plush tissues are crucial. I also stick them up my nose which helps me breathe. So cute! But like obviously only stick the tissue up the nostril that is stuffy, if you stick it up the non stuffy nostril, you won’t be able to breathe. 


Being sick means that my nose and lips are CHAPPED! Vaseline keeps my face from looking like the Sahara Desert. 

Nasal Spray 

Is it a great feeling? No, but it works! Sniff sniff.

Hot Tea 

Razorblades in your throat? Lots of phlegm? A cup of hot tea is my favorite and nobody makes it as well as my mom does. TY Girl! 

Ginger Ale 

Ginger Ale should be moved to the medicine aisle in my humble opinion. 

Vicks VapoRub

Oooh, a little vapor rub on your chest and a swig of ginger ale and you will crush the common cold. 

Asthma Spray 

Oooh, she’s got asthma! I really only whip out my inhaler when I have a mild cold and when I’m like flu sick, I dig out the Nebulizer. 


I stack up a ton of pillows to keep my head elevated so I can breathe. Pillows are necessary for surviving a cold. 

A Warm Shower 

Okay, so taking a shower when you’re not feeling well feels like a major chore and immediately after the shower I always feel close to death, but that could be my fault. A shower will at least make you feel better mentally. Plus, girl you gotta brush out that hair! YIKES. 

Comfort Shows / Movies 

When I’m sick, my brain is usually in a fog, so I prefer to watch something that will make me happy that I’ve seen a hundred times. This time around, I’ve been watching Hannah Montana. 

Besides these ten things, I also recommend actually chilling out and allowing your body to rest. So, now I’m gonna sit in my bed with Disney+ and a bevy of beverages and tissues.

