My Essentials: The Guide For Girlies Feeling Under The Weather

Hey Babes! 

Almost everyone is at home sick right now, including me, so today I wanted to share five things that help me feel better when I’m under the weather. 

Ice Cubes

I like to munch and crunch on ice cubes almost all the time, but especially when I’m sick. It’s a great way to stay hydrated and cool down. You can also use an ice cube or two to drain your sinuses. Bring on the ice! 

Hot Decaf Tea 

Hot decaf tea with sugar is a lifesaver and game changer when you’re sick! 

Microwavable Heat Pack

If you’ve got aches and pains, use a microwavable heat pack to relieve that tension. Place it on your lower back, your neck or even on your belly. I warm mine up for about a minute and it stays hot for a while. 

Vick’s Vapo Rub

If I have a bad cough or am congested, I use Vick’s and I have since I was little, simply because it just fucking works. I lather this shit all over my chest and sleep like a little baby! 


I have this really bad habit of only being able to drink water when it’s ice cold and accompanied by a large lemon slice. Unfortunately, that’s not really an option when you’re quarantined to your room all day. So, Gatorade is a must for me and helps me stay hydrated. I like to mix 3/4 Gatorade and 1/4 water into a glass and just CHUG! 

Other than that, I would also suggest a thermometer, tissues, hand lotion, sanitizer and Tylenol. Feel better babes!

