Pilsbury Ready To Bake Monsters Cookies Review

Hey Babes!

Every fall, General Mills rolls out their spooky Halloween cereals and I am a huge fan of Count Chocula! It’s a chocolatey cereal with marshmallows, I mean what’s not to like? So, when I saw that Pilsbury released a take and bake sugar cookie box with a Count Chocula and a Franken Berry flavor, I knew I had to try them out.

The box contains 20 ready to bake sugar cookies and the instructions recommend baking them for about 14 minutes, but personally I think it’s best to under-bake these treats and then allow them to continue to “bake” on a hot sheet pan.

If I’m being 100 percent honest, the characters on the cookies are so pathetic and sad looking. Perhaps Pilsbury was going for an impressionism style of art, but I feel like they could have put a little more effort into the abstract shapes.

Once the cookies were baked, they smelled so good! The Franken Berry treats have a delicious berry smell, that is to die for. If someone were to put that scent into a candle, I would buy it.


The Franken Berry cookies are the star of the show! The berry flavor is great without it being overpowering or blatantly artificial. (I mean they are obviously artificial, but they don’t taste so fake that they’re gross). The Count Chocula cookies were kind of disappointing. I wish you could taste the chocolate flavor more.

Overall, if you’re a fan of the cereals or are craving a little childhood nostalgia these are a great buy, but I think buying the cereal is a better way to get that fix.

