Harry Potter : The Exhibition at The Franklin Institute

Hey Babes! 

If you know me, then you know that I love Harry Potter and the Wizarding World. This past weekend, my parents and I visited Harry Potter : The Exhibition at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and today I’m sharing a small photo diary and how I’d rate the experience. 

Our ticket time was for 2:00pm and you are not allowed to enter until your selected time, which means that if you get there early you can visit the other exhibits and have a snack like we did. Remember, you’re in the city so except a soda tax as well as museum prices. 

When it’s your time to enter, you’ll be given a wrist band that will allow you to unlock the interactive features in the exhibit. Then, you’ll select your house, wand, patronus and you can even take a picture with your party at platform 9 and 3/4! 

From the moment you enter you are transported to the Wizarding World and honestly it’s really fucking cool! You can create potions, cast your patronus charm, score points for house in a Qudditich game, travel by Portkey, replant Mandrakes and use your inner eye to see into the future. 

If you’re fan of the franchise, this exhibit is a must see and the attention to detail is incredible. There is a really cool gift shop at the end, but honestly some of the merch is a little overpriced. If you see something you really want, then I would suggest buying it, but don’t be shocked to pay at least $70 for a sweatshirt! 

Things To Remember… 

  1. It will probably be crowded with excited kids and adults swarming each attraction.

  2. You will wait in line to take pictures and participate in activities.

  3. Don’t be hesitant to rock your Harry Potter merch! Wear your House Colors!

  4. You must wear a mask while in the museum and exhibit.

Honestly, I would totally go back again on day less crowded so I can take my time looking at everything! If you’re in the area or love Harry Potter I would highly recommend going. 

