November 2023 Lifestyle Favorites

Hey Babes!

Another month come and gone, but now we are that much closer to Christmas! Ahhh! Honestly, November felt like such a blur, but here are the five things that got me through.

Summer Fridays Lip Balm in Vanilla

I am obsessed with lip balm and since Sephora no longer sells my all time favorite gloss from Jouer, I have turned into a true Summer Fridays fan. I ordered the pack of mini balms from their website in October and the Vanilla is my favorite. Plus, it’s a clear gloss so you can just apply it all over, no mirror needed!

The Graham Effect by Elle Kennedy

I love the fictional world of Briar University and their Division 1 ice hockey team! When I saw that The Graham Effect was on KindleUnlimited, I immediately added it to my library! A hockey love story about Garrett Graham and Hannah Wells’ daughter? SAY LESS! If you are a fan of Elle Kennedy’s Off Campus series this new spinoff, will make you grin ear to ear and kick your feet like a schoolgirl!

1989 Taylor’s Version

Thank God blondie didn’t release Is It Over Now? in 2014, because 19 year old Kelly would have been BLASTING this in her college dorm ad nauseam. If you knew me at 19 and thought I was annoying, those vault tracks would have made me insufferable! So Good!

CSI Miami

My roommates have been watching CSI Miami for a while now and at first, I was like UGH! Another crime show? Boring! But, Horatio and the team have grown on me and now I look forward to watching the Miami crew solve crimes! They’re no MaryKate & Ashley Olsen but they’ve got a solid squad. Also, Eric & Calleigh forever!

Pimple Patches

I have been making an effort to not pick and poke at my skin and during November I relied on pimple patches. There is something so satisfying about removing a patch in the morning and seeing the gunk it has collected!

What items were your favorite this past month?

