Unpopular Opinions: Holiday Edition

Hey Babes!

On the eighteenth day of blogmas…

We’re going to have a real discussion about Christmas activities.

I genuinely enjoy most aspects of the holiday season, but there are some hackneyed festivities that I find absolutely no joy in whatsoever. I’m sure this list will contain some super unpopular opinions, but here we go.

Making roll out cookies is exhausting, time consuming and you waste more dough than you actually get to eat. Maybe I just don’t do it right, but a round or misshaped cookie tastes just as good and requires way less work.


Wrapping presents is fucking torturous. Your back hurts, the paper rips, boxes are hard to put together and tissue paper should come with an instruction manual.


I love shopping all year round, but holiday shopping is not for me. The stress of trying to find the perfect gift for people is all consuming and most of the time when I go in somewhere for someone else, I purchase things for myself instead. Hey, when I buy things for myself, I don’t have to wrap them.

Gingerbread houses are the exact opposite of fun. The icing they supply in the boxes suck ass and doesn’t hold the house together, plus it never looks as good as it does on Pinterest. It’s sloppy and sticky and to be honest I would much rather buy a pre-maid house that I can decorate. Buddy the Elf, I am not.

Ice skating is my idea of personal hell. I am not Meryl Davis, I spend more time on my ass than I do on my feet. Outdoor winter activities in general were not designed for people with glasses or people with naturally curly hair. They just weren’t.

What a purge. Ah! Maybe I am the Grinch, but some of these holiday excursions are just simply excruciating.

& that’s the tea.



BlogmasKelly Jennings