The Highs and Lows of 2019

Hey Babes!

It is currently that dreaded time of the year where everyone posts about all of the great shit that happened to them during the past twelve months. It is a highlight reel of sorts, because nobody posts about the mundane events or their mental breakdowns or bad days. Which of course forces all of us to sit back and compare our messy lives to the perfectly curated narrative of someone else. 

Today I will dive into my year in review: highlights & lowlights edition. To make this post as comprehensive as I can, I will only be posting six highs and six lows. So, without further ado, here we go. 

The Highs 

  1. I got a promotion and two raises at work! 

  2. I ventured up to the Poconos with my girls for a fun snowy weekend. 

  3. I saw the Jonas Brothers in concert... twice. 

  4. I spent a week in my favorite place; Ocean City New Jersey this summer. 

  5. I finally purchased the domain name and created a new and improved blog site after five years of creating content. 

  6. My cousin gave birth to the sweetest baby boy in August who has totally captured my heart. 

The Lows 

  1. I was rejected from my dream internship after what I thought was a great interview. 

  2. I developed a stress related shopping problem. Instead of eating when stressed or sad, I bought a lot of shit that I truly didn't need this year. 

  3. I started losing quite a bit of hair and decided to chop off seven inches! 

  4. Relatives and close family friends struggled greatly with their health this year and I had to say goodbye to someone who became a constant in my family's life. 

  5. I struggled with self doubt frequently and became overly critical of myself.  

  6. Despite my best efforts, my anxiety has reared her ugly head again and I have been having panic attacks. 

Well, my friends, that was the synopsis of my year. Want to know the mundane shit! Check out my nineteen favorites of 2019! May this year and decade be filled with peace, health and happiness. 



Kelly Jennings