Here’s The Tea

Hey Babes! 

So, why haven't I really been posting? 

I. am. so. fucking. boring. 


Here’s the tea... I have been binge watching the Real Housewives of Potomac, taking leisurely walks with my dad, drinking iced chais and massaging my old doggy’s arthritic hips. I frequent the same four locations and enjoy morning snuggles with my mom and my dog. 


I mean, what is really new?

I started working out with my trainer again and all of my muscles are on fire. I got a gel manicure from my homegirl Bina whom I have missed dearly. My wisdom teeth are breaking through my gums, so my jaw and ears have been hurting quite a bit. But, like I don’t know how I feel about going to the dentist while we’re still in a pandemic. If the pain continues, I’ll have to go to the surgeon to get them removed. So, that’s fun.

Oh, and I also watched the premiere of The Bachelorette and so far, I genuinely like Clare. I was super hesitant to watch this season, after the dumpster fire that was P*ter’s season, but I am glad that I tuned in. I needed a little joy in my life, because Big Brother All- Stars has been letting me down in a big bad way. 

Truthfully, I also haven’t been on my phone all that much. This past weekend, my family and I celebrated my dad’s birthday and I don’t really have any photos to show from our day, except for the three below. We went to a flea market and then up to Lambertville, New Jersey to browse their antique and speciality food shops. We got a box of chocolates to share, meandered around galleries and then went to Chickie’s & Pete’s for lunch. 


I wanted to share what I have actually been up to, because it’s honest. I’ve just been so uninspired lately. Is anyone else in the same boat? I feel like I am just patiently waiting for this year to be over to start fresh. Hopefully, I’ll have some more creative content soon! 



Kelly Jennings