3,000 Questions About Me

Hey Babes! 

Last month, while I was meandering around Barnes and Noble with my mom I came across a book that I would normally pass by on my way to the YA Fiction section. Instead of making a beeline to my favorite spot in my local B&N, I decided to pick up a self-discovery book entitled, 3,000 Questions About Me by Piccadilly. I think by now, it is pretty clear that I enjoy learning about people and myself. I've calculated my birth charts, read enneagram numbers, invested time to figure out my Myers-Briggs Personality Type and I even had to find out my Hogwarts House. 

Today, I thought it would be interesting to open up my new book to a random page and answer some of the questions on here! Without further ado, here are some things you may not have known about me. 

If you could have a clone to help you out when life gets buys, would you want one? 

Yes! How many clones am I allowed to have? I would love a ton of me's running around to clean and to go to work, so I can do things that I want to. 

Do you believe in the saying kill your enemies with kindness? 

Meh. I am more into just ignoring my "enemies" and pretending that they don't exist. 

Would you ever consider training for a triathlon? 

No, I would literally rather stab myself in the cornea with a dull butter knife than ever do a triathlon. I legit can't even ride a bike. 

Have you ever participated in a fundraiser, if so for what cause? 

Yes, I have participated in a lot of fundraisers for my cheerleading teams growing up. But, in college my sorority would hold an annual Deepher Dude pageant where male contestants would compete in a beauty pageant and the proceeds were donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

What movie director do you find completely genius?  

Sofia Coppola 

Those are five questions from the book! There are some light and fluffy questions as well as ones that are designed to make you dig deep and examine your inner self, so if you’re interested I would recommend picking up this book from your local shop. Let me know if you enjoyed this kind of post. 

