My Unfiltered Opinions : Holiday Edition - Blogmas Day 10

Hey Babes! 

Happy Blogmas Day 10! Can you believe that we have successfully made it ten days in a row?! She is nothing, if not dedicated to her cRaFt. Today, I am releasing my inner Grinchy poo and sharing my eight unfiltered and perhaps unpopular opinions about Christmas and the holiday season. 


Colorful lights are a major aesthetic faux pas. I feel like quirky bitches love colored or blue Christmas lights and I find them to be ugly and unnecessary. White lights are simple, clean and classic. 

Outdoor inflatable decorations should not clutter your lawn and more than one should be considered an eye sore. If you MUST purchase a blow up Santa to decorate your lawn, just buy one and stick it on the side or in a corner, or in the trash. 

Wrapping presents should be considered a punishment. It is a fucking chore and a total waste, unless you're like Martha Stewart and your presents turn out beautifully. Not to mention the wrapping paper, bows and tape just get thrown away!!! All of that hard work and it just goes into the fucking trash. 

Gift cards are a solid gifting option. Some people will claim that gift cards are devoid of thought and love, but I strongly disagree. A gift card says, I know you're a picky bitch, so here take this money I would have spent on something you would have returned anyway and spend it on something you'll actually like. I LOVE GIFT CARDS. 

I simply don’t understand taking your children to go see Santa for cUtE holiday photos at the mall. I think its strange and basic. Go on Pinterest, you unoriginal bitches. I’d only take my child to see Santa at the mall to instill the fear of God in them. I might even pay Santa a little extra to threaten them for being shitheads. 

Balsam is the worst scent. I don't want it in a candle, a room spray, a plug in scent or a soap. Also, don't gift scented candles or body spray to people unless you know for certain what scents they enjoy!!! 

Having real trees in your home is overrated and fake trees can be just as beautiful. As long as you don't put colorful lights on your tree, if you opt for colorful lights, just know that I'm judging you. 

Gingerbread cookies aren't good. I believe that gingerbread houses are so popular because nobody has to eat that shit. 

What an exhale! It always feels good to purge your thoughts. If you’re in the mood to read another holiday rant, I also posted a similar blog last year! What are your unfiltered or unpopular opinions about the holiday season? 

