Why I Am Keeping My Mask On

Hey Babes! 

As mask restrictions start to ease up across the country, today I wanted to share five reasons why I won't be taking mine off, just yet. 

  1. I haven't gotten my lip filler done yet and I need time to glow up before we start removing all the masks.

  2. I have become too accustomed to not wearing any makeup to work and if I take off my mask, I'll have to start getting ready earlier and I just can't commit to that.

  3. I am in the middle of getting laser hair removal all over my face and right after each treatment, my skin becomes irritated, red and bumpy. I like hiding my inflamed hair follicles with a mask.

  4. I love mumbling and talking to myself in public and the mask helps me shit talk without anyone knowing.

  5. I'm not vaxxed yet and that's the real reason, but like 1-4 are valid too.

