March Monthly Update

Hey Babes! 

It’s time for a monthly update my loves. So what’s new with me? Let’s catch up! 

Earlier this week, I was running down the deck to grab my favorite toddler before he ran through our muddy, swampy yard and I missed the stairs completely. It was like a big whoosh. I was airborne and then landed flat on my ass on the concrete. I was in shock, had the wind knocked out of me and was so scared that I injured my back or my tailbone. I’m scuffed, bruised, and sore but thankfully I am okay. It could have been much worse. 

Tell Kim K, that I’m getting my ass up and working, but spending hours on my feet at work has been exhausting for me. Somedays I’m okay and other days I come home and immediately crash on the couch. I’m talking hour long naps, which have been in return fucking up my sleep schedule. It’s a vicious cycle and a bitch is tired. A bitch is lazy too. 

This weekend will be a year since we said goodbye to Bailey and it feels so much longer than a year. We all loved and adored our Queen B and that anniversary is a little rough for us. Mushu is a big part of our lives, but B will always have a special place in my heart. 

What else? I’m pmsing, I had french fries three days in a row, I’m in the mood to recklessly spend money I don’t have, and I’m rewatching The Real Housewives of New York City again because it’s my comfort show. I am also slowly making a dent in the Not All Diamonds and Rosé book I received for Christmas and I watched The Bachelor finale despite missing the whole season and I want to throat punch Clayton. 

And, that’s my life lately! 

