Did You Miss Me?

Hey Babes!

Holy Shit!

I don’t even know how to begin a blog post anymore. I need Blogs for Dummies. DAMN. A girl takes a little LOT of time off and she loses all ability to organize her thoughts into a coherent sentence. BLAH! Mercury in retrograde is over and my brain is still squishy and sloshy. Okay, let’s start again.

It’s me, hi.

My last published post was on February 1, 2023 and if I’m honest I have not even thought about blogging until very recently. ( Like end of September, recently) I write almost daily in my journal, I jot down my thoughts in my notes app and I share my ramblings on TikTok, but I have neglected my first born child and for that I am sorry.

So… where did she go?

Truthfully, I took my initial break in February for a family matter and it’s not my story to tell. Since then, I have been in a funk. A creative slump. I haven’t even been really posting on my IG feed. I can’t tell if I am an elevated human who is above social media or if I’m just out of creative juice to squeeze. The great philosopher Olivia Rodrigo summed it up pretty well, when she said, “I’m not cool and I’m not smart and I can’t even parallel park”. That’s kinda where I’ve been.

Where Do We Go?

Well, since I am a fiscally responsible queen and I am charged monthly for this website, because I own the domain name (cough cough Alix Earle coming for my fucking brand cough) , I am back. I might as well share my thoughtful insights, funny quips and haute takes since Squarespace enjoys draining my bank account.

