The Case Of The Missing Claus

Hey Babes!

Kelly Claus has been missing in action from this year’s Blogmas and that is because she caught the festive influenza. That’s right ladies and gents I came down with the flu. And that flu ran me over like Rudolph ran over that cute little Grandma.

All last week, I was adamant about feeling better so I could go to New York to celebrate Christmas in the city with my friends. So, I stayed in my bed and chugged hot tea. I didn’t have a fever and the only symptom I had was a runny nose, so I thought I’m going to New York! Holla back bitches!

On Sunday the 11th, I started wrapping presents and the flu hit me like a semi truck speeding down the highway. It started with chills, a fever, and intense body aches. I was like oh fuck!

Since then, I have had every textbook flu symptom and this shit blows. Like who’d thought I’d be too tired and weak to shower? So that’s where I’ve been. It’s not been glamorous or cute, but I didn’t throw my breakfast up today, so I’ll take that as a win.

Honestly, getting the flu has really put a damper on my holiday spirit this year. Hopefully as I start to feel better I will feel more jolly.

