Haute Mess Mood Boosters

Hey Babes!

Lately, I have been feeling less haute than usual and emotionally messy as hell. In the words of Dorinda Medley, “I’ll tell ya how I’m doing, NOT WELL BITCH”

But, one can only linger in the sadness for so long, so here are five things that are a mood booster!

Cultivate A Vibe

Okay, it’s gotta start with you decluttering your space. Even if it’s a little tidy or pick up and not a deep clean, it’ll make you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Once you’re done, light a good smelling candle, throw on your coziest sweats and chill.

Watch Your Comfort Show

If there is one thing you need to know about me, it’s that I would rather rewatch something I have seen hundreds of times than start something new. The Real Housewives of New York radiate comfort. Middle aged over-privileged women screaming at each other? I’m relaxed. I’m at ease. I’m happy.

Create Something

When I’m down in the dumps, doing something creative like baking a treat boosts my mood. Recently, I made easy air fryer biscuit donuts with a cinnamon sugar coating. It makes me feel productive and I get something delicious!

Treat Yourself

Buy yourself a treat! What’s a treat? A little treat could be a lip gloss, a fountain soda, an iced coffee, a new sweat set, a candle or even a Caribbean vacation. Pamper yourself with something nice!

Rinse Off

When you’re down, showering or getting changed can feel like a major chore, but it’s a necessary evil. So, pull your cute ass out of bed and take a shower. Put on a playlist or podcast and rinse off the bad vibes. Then, you can relax in your cozy clean space.

I hope this list boots your mood when you’re feeling more messy than haute.

