The Only Oatmeal You’ll Ever Want To Eat

Hey Babes! 

I haven't posted a recipe in a while and today I wanted to share one that I use multiple times a week. I'm not great at a lot of things, and I don't mean to brag, but I make the best oatmeal. I refuse to eat any other oatmeal, because mine is simply just that good. If you want to know how to make a kick-ass bowl of oats, keep on scrolling. 


First, you'll need a packet of instant oatmeal. My favorite kind is the Quaker Lower Sugar Instant Oatmeal in the apples and cinnamon flavor. You'll simply pour the oats into a microwave safe bowl and then you'll add milk! 


I kind of eyeball this step, so it is really up to your taste. I prefer to use milk because it adds in some protein to your oatmeal which will keep you full longer! Then, once you've poured the milk, you'll mix the dry and wet ingredients. I know, it is super complicated, so feel free to reread these steps as many times as it takes for the information to sink in. 

Then, I place my oatmeal in the microwave for two minutes, so be super careful when you remove the bowl because it is very hot. I do not like watery or mushy oatmeal, so I like to cook it for longer than it says on the packaging, and trust me you'll prefer it this way too! 

Now, it is time for toppings! I like to spoon out some almond butter and I mix it into my oatmeal, so the texture becomes thick. If you care about aesthetics, you could drizzle the nut butter on top, but either method works just fine. The final step is to add a dash of cinnamon powder on top! Then dig in. 


I am very picky when it pertains to the texture of my food, so picky that there are many dishes that I avoid all together, simply based on how it appears. So, if you are someone who has never touched a bowl of oatmeal because of the texture, try to cook it for a longer time, so it is not runny. I promise that this recipe is delicious! 

I hope you babes enjoyed this recipe, and if you decide to try it at home, please let me know if you enjoyed it! 



Kelly Jennings