Blogmas Day 1 - Giving Tuesday

Hey Babes! 

Today is the first day of December, which means that Blogmas has officially begun! Can we get a fa la la la la?! Kelly Claus is here to deck the halls and rock around the Christmas tree! Today also happens to be Giving Tuesday, which is a day designated to encourage people to do good. 24 hours to celebrate generosity and kindness during this magical time of year. I wanted to share five small ways that you can spread compassion and warmth this season! 

Do a good deed without expecting anything in return.

This could mean a lot of things, but sit back and think about how you can apply this to your life. It might mean, unloading the dishwasher or even filling up someone’s gas tank. Do something small that will help make someone else’s day better! 

Do something nice for a stranger. 

If you’re going through the drive thru at Dunkin or Starbucks treat the person behind you to their order. Trust me, it will brighten their day and it may even inspire them to pay it forward. A small token of gratitude goes a long way! 

Make a donation to a cause close to your heart. 

Tis the season to give to those less fortunate than you. In honor of Giving Tuesday and the holiday season, make a donation to a cause or an organization close to your heart. If you’re not someone who believes that those in need will actually see the money if you donate through organizations, try Toys for Tots or donating canned goods to local drives or churches.

Reach out to those you haven’t seen or spoken to because of Covid. 

This might mean dropping off a care package to an elderly loved one, neighbor or immune compromised friend. It might even mean that you send someone a text to show them that you’re thinking about them during this crazy time of year.

Spread Positivity! 

Challenge yourself to be kind to everyone you encounter for a day. You can do it, I believe in you! Spread positivity instead of talking shit or gossiping. Give five people a genuine or sincere compliment that will make them smile! 

I hope this post inspires you babes to be generous this holiday season, not with your money or resources but maybe just even with your time. This season can be particularly stressful and I believe that most of us get too wrapped up in creating the perfect holiday so we can show off on social media, and truthfully none of that really matters. How your life feels is more important than what it looks like, and how you make others feel is the most important of all. So be kind this season, because we’ve all been through it this year. 

