My November Favorites

Hey Babes! 

Today is the last day of November, which means we only have one month left of this crazy year. BYE BITCH! I have had enough. She is done. She is tired. And she needs a fucking vacation. Whew. Anyway, today I am going to share my top five favorite things from the month of November. 

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City 

I am not someone who gives every new housewives franchise a chance. I mean, I ignored Potomac for years and I regret it deeply, so I gave Salt Lake City a shot and I am obsessed. I am so intrigued by the Mormon or LDS church and obviously, Mary who inherited everything from her grandmother including her second husband. So far, I love Meredith and her son Brooks, Whitney and Heather. Mary is an icon. I want to like Lisa, but I am not really feeling her… yet. She seems super bitchy, but I also see a lot of myself in her, so maybe I just don't like myself? Time will tell. Jen Shah is the definition of the word, extra. I think she is super sensitive, but she will make great TV! (#YouSmellLikeHospital) If you haven't watched Salt Lake yet, I highly recommend that you tune in. 

Diet Coke 

Listen, I know that soda is the Devil's juice but I am a slave to Diet Coke. I am a slut for a fountain Diet Coke with light ice. Laying in bed with a vintage episode of the Real Housewives, a crisp Diet Coke and a bowl of chickpea puffs is my ideal Sunday afternoon. Doesn't that just sound like a delicious dream to you? 

Among Us 

Truthfully, I am not much of a gamer and I never have been. But, in November I played Among Us for the first time with my friends and now I am hooked. We send messages in our group chat and we play a couples games multiple times a week. I don't really enjoy playing the game with people I don't know, so for me I like that you can have private rooms for just you and your friends. I also finally learned to vent, which was a big deal, because when I first played as imposter, I killed someone in front of another player! Ugh, rookie mistake. 

The Bachelorette 

I am not gonna lie to you, I was not impressed with Clare's reign as the bachelorette. I found her to be annoying and very unlikeable. I am glad that she found love with Dale and hope they have a beautiful life together. But, not on my television screen. Honestly, I have been extremely unimpressed with recent seasons, but thankfully Tayshia came in and shook things up. I love Tayshia as the lead! I think she is likable, intelligent, charming and personable. She is a great bachelorette. Right now, I love her with Ben, Ivan, Riley, Zac, and Brendan. Are you watching and if you are, who are you rooting for? 

The Bitch Bible Podcast 

Look, I am a Jackie Schimmel Haas stan. I look forward to her podcast every single week, and it is legit the only podcast I listen to. I live for her and her borderline offensive sense of humor, her grandmother Gloria and her maniacal tirades. If you have a decent sense of humor and are morally flexible you need to listen to The Bitch Bible right fucking now, okay! 

Alright babes, that sums up my favorites from November. Honestly, it was kind of difficult for me to think of things I loved from this past month, because this month was a fucking doozy. Am I the only one who had a rough month? 

I hope December is magical and wonderful for all of you. 

