What I Should Have Purchased For The Quarantine
Hey Babes!
How are all of my quarantine queens doing?! I know that this is a scary and uncertain time for everyone, but my hope is that these posts bring you a little solace, maybe a laugh, or at the very least a cringe sweat. I’m sure we’ve all seen the empty grocery store shelves or have heard about the hysterical locals stocking up on toilet paper and paper towels.
Anyway, this insanity got me thinking about the things I wish I had a surplus of during a time like this. So, I made a list.
Things I Would Have Stocked Up On / Purchased If I Knew How Long I’d be Quarantined...
Mario Badescu Rose Water Spray
Hydration Sheet Masks
Furniture / Room Decor
Coloring Books / Colored Pencils
Bougie Athleisure Sets
A Beach House
Board Games
Free weights
Bubble Bars From Lush
A Facial Steamer
The Real Housewives of New York Complete DVD Set
Now, that is what I would have stockpiled, not fucking toilet paper and paper towels.
What would you have purchased if you knew we’d be entering into quarantine?