What I’m Actually Doing During The Quarantine

Hey Babes! 

While I am an introverted homebody by nature, even I have to admit that I have had moments of sadness and frustration over this quarantine. Today I am sharing a list of things I have done thus far that have kept my mind busy. 



I made two delicious pound cakes and even searched on Pinterest for instructions on how to make a berry compote. The cakes were some of my best work. 

Getting Outside 


I am fortunate enough to have a great deck outback, so I like to take Bailey outside and let her run around while I sit and soak in the sunshine. I also have walked to the local market and I also take my dog out on walks, even though she constantly tries to turn into every driveway so she can go home. 

Performing High School Musical's Discography 


I have been the most annoying little bitch, but at least I am entertaining myself. I leap onto an available ottoman and serenade my parents and dog. 

Rewatching Harry Potter 


I received the entire 8 film DVD collection of Harry Potter for Christmas and this isolation finally gave me the excuse to crack it open. 

Instagram Live 


I never tune into anyone's IG live, but since we all literally have nothing better to do, I have been tuning into some live's like Girl With No Job and The Bitch Bible, and it's like FaceTiming your friends, but putting yourself on mute. You know? 

A Slut for Skin Care 


I have been utilizing my skin care fridge like never before. This is the perfect time to take care of your skin. If you need a good laugh, put on a sheet mask and then go and hang out with your family and wait for their reactions. I literally had side cramps from laughing so hard at their horrified expressions. 



I am literally cleaning everything I can get my paws on. I even went as far as to take off my dog's collar and clean the plastic piece that clips the collar around her neck out with a Q Tip. I was shook at the dirt in there. 

FaceTime Your Friends 


My friends and I have been joining each other for almost daily group FaceTime meetings, where we discuss our days and recap television shows. 

Besides that, I have been sleeping in, spritzing myself with rose water spray and eating all of my snacks post workout. What have you babes been up to? 

