My March 2020 Favorites

Hey Babes! 
March has finally come to a close and to say that this month has been strange would be the fucking understatement of the century. We are definitely living in a dystopian simulation and honestly you could not tell me that’s not what is going on right now. Anyway, today I will be sharing my favorite things from this past month. 

White Adidas Cloudfoam Pure Sneaker 


I have been thinking about getting a pair of white athletic sneakers for a while now, and I finally got my hands on some! At first when I put them on, I immediately thought that they looked like my old cheerleading sneakers and I wasn’t sure how I felt about them. Then, I wore them while on the treadmill I fell in love with these adidas sneakers. They are so comfortable and versatile. 

Cauliflower Gnocchi from Trader Joe's 


If you haven't tried this frozen dish from Trader Joe's yet, you must! But, do not cook it as described on the back of the packaging, use a sheet pan instead of a frying pan. It’s super simple, just evenly distribute your ingredients on a sheet pan and drizzle olive oil over everything and bake the vegetables at 400°F for 25 minutes. Then when they’re ready, add some pasta sauce, a little parmesan cheese and some red pepper flakes and dig in. 

Cozy 2000’s Teen Look


I have no idea what to call this look, but I have been obsessed with wearing a high neck T-shirt with an oversized v or crew neck sweater. It’s an effortless, cozy, I don’t care what I look like, casual cool vibe. 

My Corona Kitchen 


I love Jackie Schimmel’s podcast, The Bitch Bible and during the quarantine, she created an Instagram account called My Corona Kitchen and it is fucking hysterical. I look forward to watching her Instagram videos every night. I would call it a satire and if you get her sense of humor, then you’ll die for her CoNtEnT. 

The Wrong Side Of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne 


This is not my typical YA high school romance book suggestion! This book includes political issues, an extramaital affair, a long lost father and of course a smidge of forbidden romance and friendship. While this book was not one that I devoured in one sitting, because admittedly it is a little slow in the beginning, it was so worth the read. I also cried while reading this book, and if that’s not the hallmark of a good story, I don’t know what is! 

Those are some of the things that I loved during the month of March! I hope you babes have found some things to bring you a little joy right now. 

