What I’m Loving Right Now

Hey Babes! 

Oh my God, oh my God you guys, it is day 1000 of quarantine, hump day and earth day! It is beautiful outside today, so make sure to breathe in some fresh air, pay respect to the land you roam and stop littering parking lots with your fucking plastic gloves and masks! Thank you. 

Anyway, I have been obsessing over a few new things this week and I wanted to share those items with all of you! 

Outer Banks on Netflix 


I am very rarely enthralled with scripted television shows, but Outer Banks on Netflix has consumed my small world. It is a gripping, mysterious, and thrilling show about a group a sixteen year olds who accidentally find themselves in the middle of a deadly treasure hunt. It is about class divides, chosen families, revenge and legacies. I found myself screaming and crying throughout the ten episode season and I desperately need a season two as soon as possible! You know it is a good show, when you have a visceral reaction to the villains when they appear on screen. Seriously, go watch it now! Pogue Lyfe! 

P.S I would literally die for JJ and Pope. 

Whisps Cheese Crisps in Parmesan 


While I have mixed feelings about cheese, I have always enjoyed "cheese" flavored snacks like Goldfish, Cheetos and Cheez-its. But, since I am trying to live a healthier life, I started snacking on these wisps almost two years ago and they are delicious. I am mentioning them now, because they come in portioned out snack bags which is great because it is way too easy to devour the whole entire bag! 

Yoga With Adriene on YouTube


It should not come as a surprise that I need a little bit of zen in my life, especially now! I am loving practicing with Yoga With Adriene, because it truly chills me out. I have done other classes where I really work up a sweat, but I find Adriene's voice extremely soothing and I always feel looser and more clam after doing yoga with her! If you need a moment of peace in your day, check out her videos. 

Werther's Original Candy


I really love hard candies, and Werther's Originals are my all time favorite. I however, am a beast and I chomp on them as soon as I put them in my mouth and I wish I could be a little more civilized when I enjoy them, but they are so good! 

Two Dots Game 


One of my best friends, Lorianna was a Two Dots addict when we were in college and I downloaded the game about two years ago, but because of the quarantine I have been playing nonstop. Plus, they give three hours of unlimited lives once a day, because we're stuck inside! 

Those are the things I am loving at the moment! What is helping you get through the quarantine? 

