My Quarantine Routine

Hey Babes!

I have seen a couple of YouTubers and influencers post their quarantine routines and personally everyday is a little different for me. Some mornings I wake up super early like at 6:30am and other days I sleep in until 12pm. Today I wanted to share an overview of what most of my days look like, with the help of some of my favorite ladies.

Me every morning when my alarm goes off at 7am. I should really delete that.


After I sleep in for several more hours, I check my phone and scroll through social media.


Then after an hour of mindless scrolling, I take my vitamins, choke down a homemade iced chai and decide if I am going to torture myself with an at home workout.


Most days, I decide to torture myself with a workout and then afterward I usually hang out with my dog, Bailey. Sometimes I lay on the floor while she checks for my pulse and other days I take her outside and toss the ball around.


When she has had enough of me, I either hop in the shower or I schlep my ass upstairs to settle in with another episode of the Real Housewives on Hulu. Either way, I am always chugging a caffeinated beverage or two.


I usually do some chores around the house after I lay down for a while and then I freak out when my parents make a mess two seconds after I have cleaned up. When I have finished verbally assaulting them, I go upstairs with a snack and lock myself away.


While I isolate myself, I spend my time scrolling through websites looking at luxury items that I need but should not spend my own money on. If only I had a sugar daddy... 


Then I eventually rejoin my cell mates, when it is time for dinner and I usually am nicer to them post meal.


After our geriatric timed dinner, I help clean up, because I am servant girl and then if it is nice outside, my dad and I go for an hour walk.


Once we get home, we disinfect until all of the skin has been scorched from our bones and then I change back into some comfy clothes, grab a snack and watch my nightly programs.


Finally, I lay in bed at least until 1:30am either playing two dots, reading a book, or watching more reality television.


That is my typical daily routine during quarantine. Some days I lay in bed all day watching movies I have seen a thousand times with no desire to even change from my pajamas. Other days, I do household chores, bake treats for my family, workout twice during the day, do nighttime yoga, and even a little meditation. I like a little variety in my routine. You gotta keep it interesting.


I hope you all enjoyed this post! What’s your daily routine like?

