My Monthly Must Haves: April Edition

Hey Babes! 

It's May and we've been living in quarantine for over fifty days now. Isn't that fucking wild? My brain has definitely turned into mush, my weight fluctuates and my eyebrows resemble Eugene Levy's more and more everyday, but I'm healthy, so I am okay. Truthfully, it is more of a mental game for me than anything, so today I will be sharing the things that helped me through the month of April! 

Peloton App


Shoutout to my girl, Raquel who convinced me to download the Peloton app in April! You don't need a Peloton bike to download this app, because in addition to cycling classes there are bootcamps, yoga, running, walking, cardio, and stretching classes. I have been taking yoga classes, practicing meditation, and following guided stretching classes to loosen up my muscles before and after workouts. I have a free trial until, July or June and I am loving the app, because it tells me what I have burned during each class and if you do the class at the same as your friends, it's like you're all there together! 

Pesto Chickpea Pasta 


I love pesto on everything, pizza, chicken, sandwiches and especially on pasta! I picked up a small container from my local Italian market and I've been loving it with chickpea pasta, some broccoli, crushed red pepper flakes and a sprinkle or Parmesan cheese on top. It is a nice change of pace and makes me feel fancy. 

Target Drive Up 


A true God send during the Q. All you have to do is download the Target app, select the store you want to pick up from and do some shopping! You place you're order on the app, they email you within a four hour time frame to notify you when your order is ready and you go pick it up! They place right in your car and you're done. It is great, because you can your time shopping and browsing from the safety of your home. Going to the store now, is more like a stressful mission than a leisurely activity, so this experience allows shopping to be less stressful and there is that sense of instant gratification which co es with going to the store to get what you want. I highly recommend this method of shopping! 

iPad - 7th Generation


I have used my iPad almost everyday since I received it for Christmas last year and during the quarantine it has become my left arm! I use it to write blog posts, to watch the Real Housewives of New York on Hulu, to FaceTime with my friends and I use it for my workout classes on the Peloton app. Without it, I would have gone fully insane already. 

Those are the things that I loved in April! I hope you're all still doing well mentally and practicing social distancing. 

