This Year I’m Going To

Hey Babes! 

The first month of 2021 is quickly coming to a close. The free trial is almost over and the real work is about to begin. Making resolutions for this year is weird, because we’re still knee deep in this pandemic and even if I filled a vision board with pictures of European cities, that doesn’t mean it’ll even be feasible. 

With that being said, I still think it is important to make goals, so you have something to work towards and strive for. Today I wanted to share some things that I want to or would like to do this year. 

A Bad Habit I’m Going To Break 

Not responding to text messages and emails! Ugh, I’m the WOAT! 

A New Skill I’d Like To Learn 

This year I want to learn more about photography and videography editing softwares like Illustrator, Pro Create and Final Cut Pro. I want to improve upon the skills I already have and learn something new! 

A Person I Hope To Be More Like 

Jackie Schimmel-Haas aka The Bitch Bible, because she is always unabashedly herself, which I really admire. 

Also, Meredith Marks because she is fabulous and detached, which I strive for. 

A Place I’d Like To Visit 

Super Unrealistically - Austria 

Unrealistically- Big Sur, California 

Somewhat Realistically - Ocean City, New Jersey 

Please just get me the fuck outta PA!

A Book I’d Like To Read 

Okay, so I ordered four books online recently because THEY CLOSED MY LOCAL BARNES AND NOBLE. (Leave me alone to cry) And I’ve already read one of them! So I’m looking forward to reading... 

Today, Tonight, Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon 

Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett 

The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn 

& of course all of the Harry Potter books! 

A New Food I’d Like To Try 

Every time I order from The Cheesecake Factory, I am drawn to the Korean Fried Cauliflower so I’d like to order that this year! I’m also considering putting on my big girl pants and attempting to try eggs, because they’re good for you. But, like we’ll see.

I’m Going To Do Better At 

Believing in myself! 

A Good Deed I’m Going To Do 

Meh, I prefer to keep these things private because if it’s announced then it feels gross and insincere. 

What are you babes going to do this year? 

