October 2021 Favorites

Hey Babes! 

Today is the first day of November which means that it is time for me to share my favorite things from the month of October! Woo Hoo! 


I have to be honest, I’m not sure what inspired this obsession but I have been loving using honey to sweeten up my breakfast! So, what you’re going to want to do, is toast an Eggo waffle until you’ve reached the desired crispness. Then, coat the waffle with a little smooth peanut butter and add a sprinkle of ground cinnamon. Finish off the waffle with a drizzle of honey, add some apple slices on the side and voila you have a great breakfast! 

The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City

I love The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and I have been looking forward to it every Sunday! Mary Cosby is the most perplexing and entertaining housewife that I have had the pleasure of watching in quite some time. Love it! Meredith is a queen and I’m obsessed with her style. I hate Jennie’s husband, like fucking loathe entirely. I’m hoping that this sister wife storyline was concocted by the two of them and not something he genuinely just sprung on her in front of the cameras! I will fucking throw hands, Duy. Heather isn’t doing much for me this season and Jen Shah has been a background character thus far, but I know she has a big storm coming her way. I like Whitney Rose, but I love Lisa Barlow. I don’t know why, but I’m rooting for Lisa. Maybe it’s the Diet Coke addiction or that she cries without shedding a tear, but Lisa feels like an OG 2008 housewife to me and I’m here for it! Okay, baby gorgeous?! 

Pimple Patches 

I’m not sure why, but my skin has been going insane recently, especially near my mouth. When large pimples appear on my face, I typically douse a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and just attempt to dry them out which usually works. During my last trip to Ulta, I picked up a bag of pimple patches from the brand peach slices and I love them. They are more gentle on the skin and removing the patch in the morning is super satisfying! I’ll have to pick up some more soon. 

Diet Coke 

It’s my life supply and I just love Diet Coke. If Mary Cosby is right and carbonation does in fact harden your ovaries, then I’m screwed, because I chug that shit like it’s water. Delicious! 

Regular Manicures 

Now, this may be controversial but recently I have been going to the nail salon and asking for a traditional manicure. There is a ten dollar difference between regular and gel polish at my local nail salon and nothing pisses me off more than when a gel manicure chips after a week! What the fuck is the point? Maybe I just need to find a new nail salon, but until then I’m just getting regular polish. Also, it doesn’t destroy your nails, which I love! Plus, I’m not tied to one color for two weeks, which means that I can play with different shades and I save money. It’s a win win! 

That is everything I loved during the month of October! I hope November treats us all really well and if not, we’ve got RED Taylor’s version coming out and an Adele album, so we can all be in our feels together. 

