First Date Questions (08/11/17)

Hey Babes,

It’s me, Kelly!

Do you ever think things in your head that you would like to ask people, but your manners tell you to abort mission?! Today I have compiled a list of questions and statements you should probably avoid on a first date or just really in general when talking to someone for the first time!

1. So, who did you vote for in the 2016 Presidential election?

2. What’s your sign? No, really it is very important to me. I need to check our astrological compatibility!

3. So, I stalked your Instagram…

4. When and where were you born? I need the exact minute to correctly calculate your birth chart, because I’m sensing a Gemini rising sign and that’s a red flag.

5. I’m going to reach for the check and insist we split the bill, but just so you know I’m not okay with paying even though I’m a feminist.

6. Yes, the statement Men Are Trash includes you. You’re not the exception.

7. If we get married someday are you going to grow a vagina and have opinions about color themes?

8. Speaking of the future, can I read your palm? I'm curious about your money line and your marriage line/lines!

9. You're not a cat person, right?

10. No, I’m serious did you vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?



Kelly Jennings