How To Enjoy Valentine’s Day When You’re Single AF

Hey Babes! 

I am a sucker for most holidays. I love themes, decorations, baked goods and any excuse to rummage through Home Goods and Target. While I enjoy February 14th, Valentine's Day is more of a polarizing holiday. Usually, people either love or hate this day and unfortunately most of the time those feelings are dictated by an individual's relationship status. Today, I’m breaking down how to enjoy V Day when you're single, because YES, it is possible. 

Decorate Your Space 

To prepare for any holiday, I like to decorate my room with seasonal knick knacks decor. Think inexpensive pillows, heart shaped bowls, and real or fake flowers. I believe that sprucing up your space builds anticipation and excitement for the upcoming day! 

Allow Yourself To Be Cheesy 

Remember when you were little and you would dress up for every holiday and wear plastic necklaces and themed shirts from Old Navy? Go to Target and find yourself a themed sweater, headband or cheeky T-shirt. Allow yourself to have fun with your look for a holiday. Nothing gets me more excited than a good outfit. 

Celebrate Yourself 

Hello! Valentine's Day is the perfect excuse to pamper yourself. Treat yourself to a box of chocolates, buy yourself some flowers or even go and get a manicure. I never need an excuse or reason to treat myself, in fact I need to stop treating myself according to my financial advisor, but why not show yourself some appreciation on a day dedicated to love? 

Spend Time With The People You Love 

Whether it is a Galentine's soiree, a girl's night out or just checking in with your family, use Valentine's Day as a way to appreciate the platonic relationships in your life. Tell the people you care about, that you are grateful for them! Send them a card or even a tacky albeit delicious edible arrangement. 

It Is Only One Day 

Here is the good news, unlike major holidays that seem to last for the longest time and are super stressful for everyone, Valentine's Day is 24 hours. It is a day. One day. That's it. If treating yourself or spending quality time with loved ones does not increase serotonin levels, then remember that it is just another day. Although, I am pretty sure that a manicure and a romantic comedy movie marathon will do just the trick! 

Those are my tips on how to enjoy Valentine's Day if you are a single babe. Do you have any plans for February 14th?! 

