How I Practice Self- Care

Hey Babes! 

I always find that mid January through February is particularly stressful time for me and it takes a huge toll on my mental health. I am not sure if it stems from the culmination of the Christmas season, seasonal depression or the stress of starting a new year, but this time of is usually pretty rough. To combat those feelings, I try to pamper myself and take the time I need to recenter myself. Here is what I do... 

Schedule Time For Yourself 

I am an introvert by nature and I have a Taurus sun, which means that I crave solitude. I am my best self when I am alone. I love to hole myself away in my room with a great book, some Sriracha Sunshine Hippea Puffs and an iced tea and I am happy as a clam. Being alone doesn't always mean that I am reading books or creating blog posts, sometimes it means that I am roaming the aisles of Target or binge watching past seasons of the Real Housewives. 

Going For A Walk 

While I am flooded with endorphins after an intense workout, walking on the treadmill at home also gives me time to clear my head and zone out from the stress and craziness of everyday life, plus it makes me feel extremely productive when I begin my day in that way. I like to get in a leisurely mile. I go slowly, I listen to a podcast or catch up on an episode of TV that I missed that week.

Get A Manicure 

If Legally Blonde has taught me anything, it is that a manicure will fix your day! I always feel a little bit better about myself when my nails are done and again it is time you can take away from your phone and notifications and just zen out. 


I have been actively journaling for eleven years now and I always feel better once I purge all of my thoughts and feelings. Since I am not someone who willingly shares what I am going through with everyone, I find that journaling allows me to process life in a way that makes sense to me. 

Clean Up Your Space 

When my anxiety is rearing her ugly head, those feelings are amplified by the state of my space. When my room is a mess, it drives me insane, so I like to take time to clean up my room, and my closet while I listen to music or podcasts. A little mist of room spray is also a total game changer. 

Bonus Jonas Tip: 

Turn Off Your Phone

While I have never taken a lengthy sabbatical from social media, I am frequently logged off of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter when I have time off from work. I am sure that, it is bizarre to hear that from me, who is currently writing a blog that you'll read on the Internet, but having a social media free day or weekend does wonders for my mental health. 

This weekend while I had off, I did most of these things, minus the manicure and I feel totally refreshed for the coming week. How do you babes take care of yourself? 

