A Real Day In My Life

Hey Babes! 

Sometimes, when I see influencers or vloggers post about a day in their life, I just have to roll my eyes! I am actually pretty jealous that their day consists of getting a blowout, drinking an eight dollar oat milk latte and browsing upscale boutiques. Oh, how it must be nice.

Today, I’m sharing a glamorous look into a real day in my life. 


I start my day anywhere from 6:15-6:30am depending on when my precious angel puppy decides to wake up. He still hasn’t adjusted to fucking day light savings time, so we get up extra early now. 


As soon as Mushu wakes me up, I take him out to go potty and then I feed him his breakfast. Sometimes he is calm and sleepy while other days he wakes up and chooses violence. He likes to keep me on my toes. 


In between chasing Mushu around and yelling at him to drop whatever he has stolen, I use this hour to scroll on my phone, check my social media, look at emails, my draining bank account and on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I share blog posts.


Also, I like to choke down my Lexapro, Multi-Vitamin and Super B Complex with Vitamin C every morning with a glass of half Turkey Hill Iced Tea and half water. I shove my daily dose down my throat on an empty stomach which isn’t the smartest decision, but that’s what I do. 


This portion of my day depends on what I’m doing or if we have any appointments. Usually, I take Mushu out to go potty after his breakfast and he gets reprimanded quite a bit for his bad behavior and ends up spending time in the crate. 

In the mornings, I like to walk a mile on the treadmill and take a Yoga With Adriene class on YouTube. I also prefer to get chores like vacuuming, dusting and laundry done earlier while I have more energy. If I’m lazy in the morning, that truly sets the tone for my whole day. So, I have to be productive or the day is a wash. 

During this time, I will get an iced coffee from Dunkin’ and eat my first meal of the day. Lately that first meal has been an Honey Crisp Apple served with some rice cakes that are topped with almond butter, cinnamon and honey. 

Other Things I’ll Do: 


Lint Roll My Sheets

Run Errands (Food Store, Target, Pet Smart)

Create Content

Listen to The Morning Toast or The Bitch Bible Podcast 


Have A Mental Breakdown

Play with Mushu 

Take Mushu on a walk 

Watch TV 


We like to eat at a geriatric dinner time, so we almost always eat our dinner before 5:00pm because my dad goes to sleep before 8:00pm.

Before 5:00pm, we pick Koko up from daycare and feed him a little snack served with apple juice of course and he’ll watch a movie on Disney+ while he eats. Then Koko will play until his mompicks him up.

While this may sound peaceful, Mushu is almost always crying the whole time Koko is here because he wants to play and kiss him to death. 

6:15- 8:00pm 

This is my time away from everyone, especially Mushu! I escape up to my room to watch The Housewives, journal, paint my nails, play a game, read a book or even cry. It’s my “me” time! 


From 8:00pm to about 10:00pm my mom and I watch our programs together with a sleeping peaceful Moosh. He probably gets up so fucking early because he’s generally knocked out around 7:30pm. 

I typically fall asleep around 11:30pm/12:00am. Of course, Mushu sleeps with me cuddled up under an Anthropologie comforter listening to the ASMR stylings of Gentle Whispering. 

And then we do it all over again. 


