My Red Flags

Hey Babes! 

Have you guys seen the trend going around where people on TikTok or Instagram share their own red flags? Since I would consider myself someone who is at least moderately self-aware, today I’ll be disclosing some of my red flags. 


I Read Spoilers

You can bet your bottom dollar that I’m on a Wikipedia page during a movie reading about the plot. 

I Read Ahead In Books 

Again, I need to know what happens. I read ahead in the book, Allegiant by Veronica Roth, saw that Tris died and never finished the book. 

I Rewatch The Harry Potter Movies All The Time 

I love a comfort movie. 

I Don’t Talk About My Feelings 


My Venus Is In Aries 

I am flighty. 

I Never Answer My Phone 

I just don’t, I can’t. I hate texting, phone calls and FaceTimes. Ick!

I Religiously Watch Reality TV 

It fuels my soul. 

I Visit Starbucks Daily 

At least once a day! I love a mobile order moment. 

I’m Never Wrong

I also don’t apologize. 

I Prefer Food Well Done

Especially if it’s meat or poultry!

Basically, I’m perfect! 

