Blogmas Day 2 - National Mutt Day

Hey Babes! 

Today is the second day of blogmas and it is also National Mutt Day! So, today I am celebrating Mushu, my little baby mutt! 

We adopted Mushu formerly known as Vincent from Jax’s Lab Rescue in May of this year and he is a the most beautiful demon seed. Anyway, I grew up with purebred Labrador Retrievers, (Buddy and Bailey) and when Bailey passed away, we knew we wanted another lab, but we also wanted to adopt or rescue a pup! 

Mushu’s mom is a yellow lab but his dad’s identity was totally unknown to the rescue center. A lot of people guessed that he could be part Cane Corso or even a Pitt mix, but after his sister’s DNA test came back it was confirmed that the pups were part Great Dane! Ruh roh! 

Mush is a massive puppy and is well over 70 pounds at only 9 months old. He’s long, lean and has so much energy. He is affectionate, protective, sensitive, clingy and just the sweetest little guy. He destroys every toy we purchase for him and he is allergic to chicken and eggs. Mumu is also a major dickhead and has a taste for fine French Leather! 

Mushu loves sticks so much so, that he jumped up and ripped a low hanging branch off of a tree. Like just snapped it off and now he has a plethora of sticks to choose from. Moosh loves to run, play keep away and cuddle after a long day. He’ll demolish a tray of ice cubes and any treat with cinnamon. He is a pretty quiet slobbery guy and I love him. 

Mushu brought life back into a lonely home. After Bailey died, her absence was undeniable and despite the fact that Mushu is a menace to society, he is also a huge love-bug and a part of our family. If you’re able to care for a dog and have the time and space, I would highly recommend adopting or fostering a Mutt! 

