Blogmas Day 18 - How I’m Doing Right Now

Hey Babes! 

Today is the eighteenth day of Blogmas and we're gonna catch up! 

Where the fuck do I even begin? I love this time of year and Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I am trying to remain cheerful and in good spirits, but shit it has been hard lately. God Damnit. 

Having a ten month old puppy during the holidays is a fucking nightmare and that's the truth. Homie needs a trainer ASAP or a priest to preform an exorcism. He is curious and wants to smell and eat every decoration. He pulled down our stockings and during this destructive act, he ate a pushpin which of course gives me major anxiety. So, I'm outside checking his fresh turds for any sign of blood or the hot pink push pin. It's fabulous. 

I also tried to wrestle him the other day because he decided to steal a dirty period pad out of the trash can and unfortunately for me, my dog is a fucking running back and I rolled my ankle underneath of me. Seriously, he is Air Moosh and I will be his agent if any team is in need of a football player. I will also be taking 50 percent of his pay. 

Then, there is just life shit. You try to be holly jolly and then you're hit with depression, anxiety, pre-menstrual mental breakdowns and pushy holiday shoppers that wouldn't know the term personal space if it hit them in the face. The phrase, "excuse me" would work really well people!

In the words of Dorit  Kemsley, "If I can smell your breath, you're too close."

Back the fuck up off of me. Thanks! 

Ah doesn't a purge just make you feel better? Other than that, I have been reading books, working on my skin, practicing yoga, sipping iced coffee and re-watching vintage housewives episodes. 

I hope you're all doing well or at least coping with the stress well. 

