Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed

Hey Babes! 

Well, I did it. I finally got my four pesky unreasonable wisdom teeth removed! Today, I wanted to share my experience with you guys. I would however like to preface this post by saying that everyone’s experience with anesthesia and pain will be different, so I can’t say that our results will be similar, but this is how I recovered!

Also, I am fully aware that I am not the only person in the whole world to have all four of their wisdom teeth removed. Hopefully this post will make you laugh and if you’ve been through this yourself, maybe you can commiserate with me. 

Pre Surgery 

My surgery was scheduled for 8:30am, so two hours prior to surgery I had to take two pills that are supposed to keep away any infection. Then, my parents drove me over to the surgery center where we waited until I was called back. They took my temperature, my vitals and before I knew it I was waking up in recovery. 

First Hours Post Op 

I woke up in what I can only describe as a day bed accompanied with a gate so I wouldn’t roll out in my drugged state. The surgery was less than an hour long and when I started coming to, I could not stop giggling. I had watched wisdom teeth removal videos and I was terrified that I would say something wild and embarrass myself, but I was pretty lucid. 

When I got home, I fell right to sleep with ice packs and fresh gauze. Truthfully, I slept on and off for most of the day, while I watched a ton of movies, like Harry Potter, Jumangi, Bride Wars, and The Intern. I did however panic when I had to spit out some thick blood mixed with salvia, which apparently is pretty normal. My mouth and tongue were numb for most of the day, but I didn’t feel any excruciating pain. I took two does of Tylenol and I was okay! 

24 Hours 

I slept with ice packs on my face and when I woke up on day two, my left cheek started to bruise, my throat hurt and I wasn’t able to open my mouth very wide at all. My sinuses were bloody and I had a persistent headache in the back of my neck. With all of that being said, I didn’t see the need to take my strong pain pills. I was uncomfortable, but I wasn’t trying to place my head in a meat grinder or an oven. Luckily, the numbness had mostly faded and my tongue had gone down in size - Thank God! 

Within the first 24 hours, I had to begin my steroid to reduce swelling and it made me feel pretty sick at my stomach. It also made me an irrational sobbing angry unhinged mess. So, my mom called the surgeon’s office and since I wasn’t in pain and I didn’t start feeling sick until after I took the roids, they instructed me to stop taking the steroids. It is a medicine they recommend to reduce swelling, but not one that is mandatory. Fabulous! 

After my hours long crying fit, I settled in, turned on Bridgerton, iced my face and ate ice cream and pudding! I also gently brushed my teeth and showered which made me feel better. 

48 Hours 

I started my second day post surgery feeling more sore and swollen, but again not in any actual pain. I continued to take my antibiotics and Tylenol all while icing my face periodically. I also, started to become hungry and frustrated that I was unable to eat anything other than water ice and applesauce. I tried to eat mushed Minestrone soup and baby pasta, neither of which worked and I ended up biting my fucking cheek. Super cute. 

So, I gave up on that dream and just shoved vanilla bean ice cream down my throat. 

(Also, I better emerge from this a skinny legend. I mean I couldn’t eat real food and the antibiotic gave me diarrhea, so I’m expecting to reach a slender weight by time this is all over! ) I also started to go stir-crazy which is odd because I am a homebody. I love to be at home, I love ice cream and I love to watch Netflix, but at my own discretion not when I’m forced to. Ugh! 


72 Hours 

You wanna know what triggers my anxiety? Not feeling well! Yes, let that sink in. Any pain or lingering numbness I felt, made me panic and when I wasn’t feeling 100 percent by the third day, I started to spiral. In between being fixated on my imminent death and icing my face, I showered and ate a ton of pudding! 

I tried oatmeal out because I read that you can start eating softer solid foods around day three and it did not work for me. This is the part that is difficult, because everyone heals differently and while some people could eat toast or eggs, I only felt comfortable eating foods I didn’t have to chew. I would have loved to sink my teeth into toast or fucking oatmeal but nope! 


1 Week Since Surgery

On the fifth day, I was able to eat raviolis for dinner which was a dream come true. I also started using the syringe to clean out the extraction site, but I developed an ulcer in my mouth from repeatedly biting my tongue and cheek. Gorgeous! 

All in all, I’m so happy that I finally got my wisdom teeth removed and I genuinely wish I did it sooner. Again, everyone’s reaction to surgery and anesthesia will be different, but I hope you babes found this post helpful or at the very least mildly entertaining. 

