Sweet Potato Gnocchi Review

Hey Babes! 

As you bitches know, I love Trader Joe’s Cauliflower Gnocchi so much that I shared how I enjoy them a little while ago on this blog! On my most recent trip to Trader Joe’s, I of course went to grab some Cauliflower Gnocchi and I noticed that they also sold Sweet Potato Gnocchi. Shooketh!


Even though I like sweet potatoes, no one else in my family does, so I only really get to have them when I order out. Since I love the cauliflower gnocchi so much, I decided to pick up a bag and try out the sweet potato version. Because I mean, usually everything at Trader Joe’s is pretty good! I prepared the sweet potato gnocchi two ways and today, I’m going to review them and tell you which way I prefer them. 

Roasted On A Sheet Pan 

My first instinct was to ignore the directions on the bag and roast them in the oven with some broccoli. (Which is what I do with the cauliflower gnocchi) When you remove them from the bag, you can definitely tell that there is a butter and sage coating on the potato, which is advertised on the packaging. 


I baked them for about 20 minutes at 350°F and they came out pretty well. I paired them with broccoli and chicken and it was a filling meal. I do think that you need to add butter or a sauce to the gnocchi because without it, they taste kind of bland. They’re also denser than the cauliflower kind. 


On The Stovetop 

The second time I tried the sweet potato gnocchi, I put them on the stovetop in a pan with two tablespoons of water. I prefer my food to be a little bit more well done than most, so I cooked them for like 10 minutes.


On the stovetop, the gnocchi have a softer and doughier texture. Since I am a freak about texture, I didn’t love the way they turned out. With that being said, they are more flavorful when they are cooked on the stovetop, and if you enjoy traditional gnocchi, you’d like how they turned out. 


The Verdict

I would not purchase these sweet potato gnocchi again, but I’m glad I tried them. They don’t taste bad or gross, they just weren’t for me. I think the most difficult part for me, was to figure out how to eat them, like what to serve them with or what sauce to use. I am also not sure that I would recommend them to you guys, but to each their own.

I hope you babes enjoyed this post and let me know what you think of the sweet potato gnocchi and if you’ve tried them.


