Recreating Taylor Swift’s Chai Sugar Cookie Recipe

Hey Babes!

Recently, I have seen Taylor Swift’s Chai Sugar Cookie recipe circulating through the web and since, I love drinking iced chai and I also enjoy baking, I thought this would be a great idea! The recipe really just screams Autumn to me and I assumed it would be easy. (Oh boy, was I fucking wrong)

First I brewed and steeped a glass of tea and then allowed it to cool. That part was simple. After that, I began the sugar cookie dough. I am a lazy bitch, so I used Betty Crocker mix instead of creating the dough from scratch, but I figured it would taste the same. Once I combined the ingredients, I added in the tea and that’s where my problems began.

Maybe I added in too much tea, but the instructions are so vague, so I improvised. BIG MISTAKE! HUGE! Below is the recipe I found on Pinterest. It just says to “add the tea.”

It doesn’t say how much and I felt like it would be a bad idea to cut open the tea bag and just pore that shit on in.

So, I put my dough in the fridge and let it sit for over an hour because I was concerned about the soupy state. I figured the longer I let it cool the thicker my dough would become. Anyway, I took it out of the fridge and spooned it onto the baking sheet. The cookies looked like little turds, but I thought that was normal.

I popped those babies into the oven and then I went to check on my little babies and I was shook to the core.

This is not what I want! This is not what I planned! And I just gotta say, I do not understand!

So, I just let the “cookies” bake, I mean what else could I have done at that point? Except maybe just throw out the dough and restart, but I didn’t purchase more than one bag of sugar cookie mix! fuck.

If you can overlook the sad physical state of the crêpe like cookie, the flavor is actually really good. The chai isn’t overwhelming at all, it’s just the right amount of spice.

I iced one cookie for a photo, but honestly they were just too fucking thin to hold icing. I obviously added in way too much liquid and was left with thin somewhat crispy treats. Tragic.

If you do decide to attempt this recipe, I would recommend gradually adding in the liquid while you stir the mix. But, what do I know?!

