Beauty Faves of 2020

Hey Babes! 

Today, I’m going to share the ten beauty products that I was obsessed with in 2020 aka last year! As you’ll notice, this list only contains one makeup product, simply because I didn’t wear much makeup for the majority of the year. Hello, where was I going? Instead, I focused on taking care of my skin and this list reflects just that!

Without further ado, here are my favorites! 


Clean & Clear Exfoliating Facial Scrub 

This drugstore exfoliator is my favorite one to use and I also love the scent of the product. It just makes my skin feel refreshed and awake.

Thayer’s Witch Hazel Toner 

I use this toner daily and I prefer the unscented version. I never used toner before this year, but it just makes my skin feel really clean.

Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser 

I LOVE GLOSSIER! I tried their cleanser during quarantine and I loved it. I don’t really switch up my skin care routine often, but I’m glad that I tried this cleanser. It is a really soft and soothing product, so if you have sensitive skin like me, then I would give it a try.


Glossier Boy Brow 

I’m not gonna lie, I have always had great eyebrows so I never really paid much attention to eyebrow products. I legit used to lightly fill in my brows with black eyeshadow. With that being said, I have noticed that the Boy Brow product gives my brows a fuller look while still appearing natural and I love it.

Glossier Zit Stick 

Admittedly, I don’t have problematic skin, but I do breakout and I experienced more breakouts last year because of the masks we had to wear. Now, this may be unpopular, but I have always applied alcohol to my skin when I suffered from any breakouts, but because of the pandemic, alcohol was hard to find at the drugstores. So, I decided to try the Zit Stick from Glossier and it works. It gently shrinks my pimples, which I love.

Quip Toothbrush 

I have a dainty jaw and all of my teeth are crammed in my mouth, so I get cavities more frequently. So, to avoid the dentist and root canals, I have to use an electric toothbrush to really clean in between my teeth and I love my Quip toothbrush. I have had the Quip toothbrush for two years and not only is it cute, but it also cleans my teeth well.


Bum Bum Cream 

This one is self explanatory. Keep it tight, keep it right.

Ouai Hair Oil 

I love this hair oil, because it helps to keep my baby or shorter hairs in place!

Mario Badescu Rosewater Spray 

If I were going to be on a desert island, I would choose to have this rosewater spray with me. I use it at least once a day and it just keeps my skin refreshed!

Origins Eye Cream 

Oooh, girl. I’d say a year ago I noticed that my skin just seemed dull to me, so I started using this eye cream from Origins and almost immediately people were telling me how bright my skin looked.

What products were you reaching for all year? 

