What I Am Thankful For

Hey Babes!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and while the feast portion is my least favorite part of the day aside from the genocide, I do enjoy that we have a designated day to reflect on what we are thankful for. 2020 is undoubtedly the most bizarre year that I have experienced thus far, but in return it has also been a year that put things into perspective for a great number of people, myself included. I also believe that it is imperative that we share our gratitude with the people we love. So in honor of this holiday, today I will be sharing the 20 people, places and things that I am thankful for this year. 

My Parents 

Truly, there are no two other people I would have rather been quarantined with than them. (No, they did not force me to write this) 


My beautiful, spunky, chunky chocolate lab is the love of my life and I am always thankful for her. 

My Felicias 

I think my besties and I talked more frequently due to quarantine than we have since when we first graduated from college. We celebrated birthdays, played games on Houseparty and sent each other other edible arrangements when we couldn't be together. I love those bitches!

The Real Housewives of New York City 

I can always count on my ladies from the big apple to keep me entertained. I've watched it from the very beginning twice now! 

My Face Mask

Cheers to you, for not only keeping me safe, but for also hiding all of the breakouts you've caused. TYSM. 


Grateful for my local baristas who have been holding it down! 


Thank you for making me poor and chubby, but happy. Avocado egg rolls all day long. 


We did the damn thing. While it was way too close for comfort, thank you to those who exercised their right to vote. 


I am #blessed that elastic waistbands are cool. TYSM. 

The Real Housewives of Potomac 

Thank you universe for guiding me in the direction of Karen Huger. Can you say icon? 


While she won't read this, I am beyond thankful for my trusted nail technician and esthetician who saved my ever growing eyebrows and gave them life. 


Again, she won't read this, but I am so thankful for my trusted hair dresser who brought my dry and dull hair back from the dead. 

Essential Worker's 

Thank you for risking your own well being to serve your communities. I also apologize for those who have over looked or demeaned the importance of your roles in our communities for years. My family literally would not have survived without grocers, retail employees, the post office, delivery services and pharmacists. I hope you see fairer wages in the future. 

Harry Potter 

So grateful for the Hogwarts universe for keeping me entertained and sane during the lockdown and for of course helping me unwind from a hectic week. 

Covet Fashion 

Thank you for actually keeping me entertained for hours on end. Playing virtual dress up is one of my favorite things to do to pass time. 


Girl, TY for bringing in cooler air, because baby can not handle the heat. 

The Partial Generator 

If I had a fuck you list for 2020, I am pretty sure that PECO and hotels that discriminate against large dogs would be somewhere on that list. Probably at the bottom, but still they'd make the cut. I am thankful that my dad lifted "our" partial generator from his job site, so we all didn't murder each other or die from heat stroke. 

Tiny Humans

Yes, I am talking about children. The ones in my life bring me an immense amount of joy. No an alien did not take over my body, I am starting to actually ~like~ children. 

My Job 

I am thankful that I had a job to go back to after the red phase of quarantine. I am grateful that I was able to see the women on my team that I had greatly missed and that I was able to escape from my home for a few hours! 


Wow, I am so fucking grateful for you. 

I am also very thankful for the health of my friends and family and hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday! 


