Power Outage Survival Guide

Hey Babes! 

To add to the dumpster fire that is 2020, I have now lost power three times this summer from the unpredictable and frightening weather. I am, however thankful that we haven't had any damage to our home and that my family is safe, because others have not been so lucky. Even though shit could be worse, losing power in the summer during a pandemic still sucks, especially because it has been hot as fuck. Today, I'm going to share the things that have gotten me through the power outages. 

Our Partial Generator 

My dad got a small or partial generator from work, which means that we are able to run cords from the oil powered generator to our house so our food doesn't go bad. We're able to keep our devices charged and most importantly we can plug in a portable fan to keep our downstairs cool. While it's not the same as having power, it makes me feel a little less Amish. Candles and flashlights are also essential.

My MacBook Pro 

I still have my laptop that I received before my Freshman year of college in 2013. This means that my ancient device still has a DVD player in it - YAS QUEEN! Thankfully, I have the complete Harry Potter DVD set, because God knows we all wouldn't agree on Clueless or The Little Mermaid. Iā€™d also recommend stocking up on DVDs.

A Cold Shower 

Taking a cold shower may sound unappealing, but it is the best remedy for a hot sweaty day. I'm not saying to give yourself hypothermia or anything, but a polar plunge will not only give you energy but it'll also cool you down. 

My Dog 

Okay, so this one is a real double edge sword, because I am obsessed with my dog, Bailey and I love to lay on the floor and commiserate with her. But, when she starts panting her hot breath on me I feel like the temperature has skyrocketed.Ugh. 

My Family 

Thankfully, I generally enjoy my parents even after being isolated with them for more than half of the year. If I didn't like them, I'm not sure that cramming in front of a 13 inch computer screen with a small box fan blowing on us, would be all that enjoyable. Also, you have to be able to laugh, because who wants to sit around and cry in the sweltering heat? 

Power outages are pretty much inevitable with forceful winds and thunderous storms, so it's always better to be prepared by making sure your devices are charged and that you have flashlights or candles available. But, that's easier to say when you've already gone through two previous outages during the pandemic. Trust me, I broke down during the first outage, before we got the generator. I've also learned, that even a mini generator is essential, hotels discriminate against large dogs (fuck you) and to never purchase a house at the bottom of a hill surrounded by trees and a creek. 

