Blogmas Day 5 - Holiday Haute Takes

Hey Babes!

Can you believe that it is already the fifth of December? Shook! Since the holiday season is officially underway, today I wanted to share a few of my holiday haute takes!


Christmas time is the perfect time to be cheesy and tacky with your decor and festive accessories. Embrace the ugly sweaters and all the glitter! Be cringey and cheugy.

I love candy canes, peppermint bark and peppermint flavored baked goods. I even like a peppermint scented candle, but I will not be using any candy cane scent on my body as my fragrance. Nope! I draw a line there.

Charlie Calvin in The Santa Clause 2 is the most irritating character and I feel like he needs a swift kick in the ass and to gain some perspective! Chill out and keep your dad’s secret.

Gift cards are a good present and they’re thoughtful. It says, “Hey! I know you like this place, because I pay attention when you talk and I thought you could use this money toward a purchase!” I appreciate a gift card more than a random present I will never use and ultimately donate.

Balsam is such a gross scent. Ick!

Gingerbread House Kits are so overrated, stress inducing and simply pointless. Has anyone ever eaten a Gingerbread House? Unless your Gingerbread House looks like it would be on the cover of Architectural  Digest, save your time and money.

Colorful holiday lights are strictly reserved for theme parks or displays at shopping centers. Colorful lights do not belong on a tree…EVER!

Betty Crocker or similar prepackaged baking mixes are home made treats. You made them at home, therefore they are homemade. You just simply had a sous chef.

The Muppets Christmas Carol (1992) is the only retelling of a Christmas Carol that is worth watching.

Mrs. Claus deserves to have a first name and it’s bullshit that she doesn’t!

Ah, we love a purge! What are your holiday haute takes?

