It’s Snot All Fun & Games

Hey Babes!

Listen, ever since I got the Omicron variant of COVID in January of this year, I feel like I have caught every cold that has come my way. I take my daily multi-vitamin, I wash my hands, change my clothes after every outing, I sanitize and still my immune system is constantly telling me to go fuck myself. Cute. This year I have dealt with insane stomach issues, sinus infections, sore throats, Covid the Reunion Tour and now Bronchitis.

Do I have a flair for the dramatics? Yes.

Do I have perspective and realize that other people have much worse problems? Yes.

Am I still grouchy and annoyed? Obviously.

So, instead of being the distressed emotional sulking patient that I have been for about a week now, today I wanted to share the things that have been a light in this dark torturous time.

(cue the somber violin music)

My Asthma Inhaler

Thank you for keeping my lungs open.


Thank you for moisturizing the dry cracked skin around my nose and my lips.


Thank you for catching the viscous goo I have been slowly extracting from my sinuses.

Microwavable Heat Pack

Thank you for relaxing my muscles that have been strained from the coughing fits.

Nasal Strips

Thank you for magically opening my nasal passages so I don't have to be a mouth breather all day and night long.


Thank you for keeping me comfortable while I rest, despite the viscous goo that holds my asthmatic lungs hostage.

Decaf Hot Tea

Thank you for soothing my razor bladed throat.


Thank you for tempering my fever and alleviating the aches and pains.

(slowly fade out the somber music)

I'd also like to thank Harry Potter, The Housewives and of course The Gilmore Girls for keeping me entertained in between my naps.

Peace, Blessings, Health and Wealth to you all, but mostly me.

