Sugar, Spice & Reproductive Rights

On Friday June 24, 2022 I intended to write a blog post about what’s in my beach bag, but I decided I didn’t feel like it and then I spent my morning catching up on my reality shows. Then, everything changed.

In a vote of 6 to 3 the Supreme Court decided to overturn Roe v Wade and I have spent the weekend attempting to process my feelings and organize my thoughts. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to address this topic on my blog because I like to keep things light and fluffy. I also didn’t want to alienate people in my real life who read this blog who might have different opinions than I do. Then,  I thought… FUCK THAT. I’m not going to allow my anxiety to silence me. So, buckle up buttercup.

To be crystal clear, I am Pro Choice and there is nothing anyone can say to change my viewpoint or stance on this healthcare issue.

I am Pro Do What’s Best For You!

I am firmly rooted in the belief that every woman is entitled to autonomy over their own body. If you want an abortion, that’s your decision. If you don’t want an abortion, that’s your decision. Either way, I do not have an opinion on what you decide to do, because it’s not my business and it’s not my right. What you choose for yourself does not effect the trajectory of my life. I fully support you and your basic human right to choose what you believe is best for your body and your life.

If I’m Being Honest…

It’s the hypocrisy and the cherry picking which scripture passages best fit this narrative that makes me see red. It’s the pretending that you’re a good Christian or good person because you’re a Republican. I personally find the, “then just don’t have sex argument”, also infuriating. Are you saying that to men or does abstinence only apply to women?

I was raised Catholic by the son of Irish Catholic immigrants. My mom was a Catholic grade school teacher for over twenty years. I attended Catholic school and made my Sacraments, so I have an understanding of the Bible and God’s teachings. If “the right” is going to cherry pick Bible versus and create life-altering policies around them despite the fact that we live in a country where there is supposed to be a separation of Church and State, then let’s discuss the fact that God gave everyone free will.

God gave me free will to make my own decisions and those decisions are mine to make especially when it pertains to my body and my life. If I am risking eternal damnation by believing in my right to choose or centuries in purgatory, then so be it. That’s my “mistake” to make. You don’t get to decide for me. You don’t get a vote or a say, and frankly neither does the fucking Government.

I would also love to know why free will extends to someone who wants to purchase an AR-15 semi automatic rifle and uses the weapon to then massacre children in an elementary school but not to women who want to have an abortion? Are you allowing these gun toting individuals to have free will because it’s convenient for your narrative that people kill people, not guns? Just curious.

We can also have a discussion about all of the things that are considered taboo in the Christian faith that many of you partake in, while you’re pretending to be holier than thou because you label yourself as Pro Life, when you’re actually Pro Birth. We can talk about your husband’s porn addiction, using God’s name in vein, pre-marital sex, adultery, coveting and jealousy, contraceptives, divorce and masturbating. We can also deep dive into all of God’s precious children that were made in his image and likeness that were locked in cages. We can also discuss do not resuscitate orders or the fact that you can legally “pull the plug” on someone with a heartbeat, but I suppose that the sixth commandment doesn’t pertain to those instances, only abortion. Or does it?

Or, you can keep your rosaries off of my ovaries and then we won’t talk about the blatant hypocrisy and idiocy surrounding your argument. Sound good?

If you’re reading this and thinking that I’m unhinged, angry or an irrational woke Liberal snowflake, I’d say that I’m more than angry, I’m fucking furious. This ruling directly effects my LIFE! MY FUTURE! And the lives of hundreds of thousands of women and girls in this country.

Unless you’ve sat in the Gynecologist’s office being prescribed Provera for your secondary amenorrhea and then were told at 22 years old how difficult it’ll be for you to conceive a child naturally, then you don’t get to tell me how to feel about my uterus or what to do with it.

So, let’s say that one day I do get pregnant naturally and then my body miscarries the baby due to my personal reproductive issues that I literally can’t control. Not only would that be devastating for me, but it could be fatal depending on where I live? All because six fucking ancient losers decided that I no longer have the authority to make decisions for my physical well being? Cool, then that blood is on your hands.

It’s all bullshit and it’s heartbreaking to live in a country that doesn’t value you as an individual or believe that you have rights to your own body. You don’t trust me to make my own choice, but you trust me to raise a child?

